Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

contoh pidato bahasa inggris

­Free sex
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.  Good morning every body
Dear the principal and the attorney, as well as the teachers and the administration staff who were honoured by me. That first of all, let us prays praise to God Almighty because we can gather here in good health. In this opportunity, I will give a speech that was entitled free sex.
Free sex to be premarital sex. Free sex reason of the abortion in Indonesia. Wrongly the association was one of the promoters of the occurrence of free sex. So it reason why we must socialise with the friend that origin was good. And we also always must bring closer ourselves to the Gods.
Free sex could have a point in pregnancy, the abortion, and the HIV/Aids. Remembered that free sex of only enjoyment for a moment and could plunge us into hell. May the parents always control the association of them children? Necessarily the government in Indonesia held sex education in each school so that the pupil understands the danger of free sex. Don't had approached free sex or tried it. Maintain the good reputation of the family, the nation, and the country.

So many speeches from me, it is hoped could be useful for all of us, If being gotten by the mistake I said apologised. Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

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